For Teachers

Sharing work that I created for classroom use.

I am compiling the pages I will add to my interactive notebooks this year. Suddenly, I came upon a stumbling block. I couldn't find anything I liked to teach my students about theme. I saw a few ideas that could work but nothing I was crazy about. If you know about's best to be excited. It jazzes up the kiddos if you are. So, I made something of my own I have to show you!

You can purchase for a very small fee at my teacher store. TeachersPayTeacher by JO

It's an ipod to go with the idea that a theme is like your theme song. What song can best describe your life. It will be available on TPT in the next few days for super cheap. I love creating new things. :)

Book Report Trifold - Common Core based

Posted a trifold I created a couple of weeks ago. I am really proud of it. It's common core based because it forces students to refer to the text and use it to support their responses. Check it out. Here is a preview. You can purchase it at TPT - Trifold by Jo.

Maniac Magee Timeline with Clip art by Me!
I am pretty proud of this piece of work. It was created in word, then I added personal clip art I created, then I made it into a PDF. You will love it if you plan to teach the book Maniac any time soon!TPT Maniac Magee Time line

Maniac Magee Movie
I located a Nichelodean version of the book to do a compare and contrast with my students. It is on youtube but you can also watch it on the Nick website. Follow this link ---> Maniac_Magee_full_movie

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