Thursday, July 18, 2013

I love teaching. Sometimes it's difficult to get the supplies you need to teach your students. I am asking for help in reaching a goal of getting two award winning books into the hands of my 6th graders this coming year.

The books are: 

 Read about Maniac


Read about TreeEar

I have spent the summer hitting every second hand store, yard sale, and thrift store. I have collected 4 books. That is when I realized I would need more help. A friend of mind told me about

You can help me get the 28 copies of each book by donating to my project. If you donate before next Thursday, July 25th and the organization ( will match your funds dollar for dollar.  It's a tax write off. You will also get updates from me to see this year how having these books to teach from reached my students. Follow the link below my signature to help. May great Karma and God's blessings come your way.

Mrsjblake's Book Project <-------------------------- The link to my project

USE THIS CODE- INSPIRE, for the fund to be matched when you are checking out.

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