Friday, June 26, 2015

Blog Lovin'

I'm getting serious about this teacher blog. Watch out world. I am on the move and learning lots this summer. First stop linking up with bloglovin'.  Next, stop trying to figure out what a linky party is and how do I get hooked up with one.

Enjoy your vacations this summer teachers. WE deserve them!

Sunday, May 17, 2015


You have to go and check out my doodle blog! I am so proud of the work I have been doing with my doodles. I hope you like it! There is a free doodle there! Check back I will post one weekly!

Doodles Rock!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Stinky Feet!

This year I did a pintrest search for review games to play with my students. A game called Stinky feet came up and I followed the pin to this website that explained it.  Stinky Feet Pin I immediately played it with them that week. To say that THEY LOVED IT would be the understatement of the century. They began requesting it all the time.

Well, the end of the year has come. I wanted to give them a little more responsibility for their reviewing. Therefore, I created a version of the game that can be played with a small group of 5 people. One judge and four players. I have never seen them enjoy reviewing more. I guarantee that your students will love it. No matter how old or young, no matter the grade.

Included in the game are instructions for you and the judge. Game cards, point cards, answer sheet. It is  9 pages of pure teacher bliss. Promise.

Follow this link to purchase it on Teachers pay teachers.
TPT - Create your Own template for Stinky feet.

 Or if you teach 6th grade here is a version with all the questions created for you already.
TPT - 6th grade CC Review

Friday, April 24, 2015

Teachers Pay Teachers Store

I am really proud of some of the work I have been doing lately. I have been sharing it on Teachers Pay Teachers. Some of my newest stuff includes:

1. Characterization set - where you can introduce character traits with 6 clues on a poster. Then students will work with a partner and a book of your or their choosing to fill in the graphic organizer. Then there is a quiz they fill in to see if they really got the lesson. It also includes a worksheet for students to keep track of characters in their novels they are reading or that you are reading as a class. My students love this Paper doll activity and ask for it each time we read a new novel. 

2. Legend by Marie Lu - I have been teaching this novel to my 6th graders. It's a fairly new book so there hasn't been much out there in the way of interacting with the text. I created vocabulary and comprehension questions. I created an introductory pack. I also make a pop-up card to help them interact with the exposition of the plot. It's been fun creating it. It's been even more fun watching them use my work. They love it.

3. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - I created a version of my pop-up card planner for this novel as well. I can tell you that my students loved the pop-up cards. Now when we discuss the setting or characters they have a firm foundation from the work they did in part 1 of the novel within their pop-up card. It's a great hands on activity to get them really making meaning.

I try to keep all my work under $5. I know teachers are struggling every day to get by and come up with new ideas. I also include the word documents with my products. I know sometimes you may want to change one or two things to make it a little different to meet your students needs. Click on the links to check out the work. Or follow me to my store.

Teacher Pay Teachers ------->   DAISY A DAY CLASSROOM

Enjoy. And Thanks!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Character traits

I am always looking for new and fun ways to connect a student's learning. Creative ways are my favorite. I use TeachersPayTeachers (TPT) a lot! However, on my best days, when I am not bogged down with grading, testing, naughty behavior, school meetings or other nonsense....I get to invent these ways myself. My most recent triump was when I thought to use paper dolls to do pull together characterization traits.
We are reading the Maze Runner in class. After introducing the 6 ways to characterize the people in our story we wrote what we knew about each character on a paper doll that we cut out. We glued these in our journals. (I use composition notebooks. They work best and are not messy.) We then took those traits and copied them onto the worksheet I created. It is available for a low price on TPT.

Click here for the link -------->Characterization with Paper dolls

Each student keeps track as we read. I keep track on a bulletin board in class.

 They can always check their work to mine making sure they didn't miss anything. It has been so fun! The students love it! Try yours out today.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Show Me The Money - Jerry Maguire

I use this clip every year to introduce the idea to my students to SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE in their writing.

They love it.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

New Files

I finally uploaded to Teacher Pay Teachers two of my projects from last year. My students really enjoyed both and I hope you find that your students will also.

A Poetry file.

Get yours here ----> DaisyaDayClassroom TPT

Country Research graphic organizers.

Get yours here-----> DaisyaDayClassroom TPT

I love creating documents for others to use in their rooms and hope you enjoy them as well.